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in Inkjet by (4.7k points)
The HP 950XL / HP 951XL cartridges are the HIGH CAPACITY equivalent of the HP 950 and HP 951. We offer the OEM (original brand) in either HP 950 / 951 (standard yield) or HP 950XL / 951XL (high yield), and for our remanufactured version we only offer the HIGH CAPACITY (XL version) because the cost is just a little extra but the value to the customer is so much more.

There is a challenge with the remanufactured HP 950XL / 951XL though - they have very complicated chips which send ink levels to the printer, and other information, such as whether the cartridge is "Genuine HP" (which means original, never used before), or "USED" or "NON-HP", which are a little deceiving because that just means that the cartridge has previously been used, and in our case, remanufactured.

We offer 2 versions for the remanufactured HP 950XL / 951XL:

Version 1 has the following item codes / SKUs:
  • 151-590-01BLACKNU
  • 151-590-01CYANNU
  • 151-590-01MAGENTANU
  • 151-590-01YELLOWNU
  • 151-790-01
The above SKUs have been remanufactured and have a brand new (quite expensive) chip installed that will show you the ink level (100% full, and count down from there based on your usage), but will display a message of "used" or "non-HP ink" installed.  When you install these cartridges, you simply click "OK" to the message of used or non-HP ink installed (needed to be done just on installation), and you never have to deal with those messages again.

Version 2 has the following item codes / SKUs:
  • 151-590-STDBLK
  • 151-590-STDCYN
  • 151-590-STDMAG
  • 151-590-STDYEL
  • ???151-590-STD4PK
The above SKUs have been remanufactured and have a brand new (less expensive) chip installed that IS UNABLE to show the ink level (so the cartridges show 0% full), and will also display a message of "used" or "non-HP ink" installed. When you install these cartridges, you simply click "OK" to the message of used or non-HP ink installed (needed to be done just on installation), and you never have to deal with those messages again. However, the cartridges will always show as "empty". This is the only disadvantage of this chip, but is also why this version 2 of these cartridges is sold at a lower price for a more price sensitive option.


You can see some of these installation messages in the pics below:

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