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in Inkjet by (4.7k points)
If you print a nozzle test with your printer and you find that all nozzle print tests come out fine, that means the ink is flowing well and you don't have any clogged printheads. As for the color shifts for a particular color, colors will be slightly different to OEM inks because they are aftermarket and made to match the OEM inks as best as possible, but they are made differently obviously in order to avoid any patent infringement.  The color management for any particular printer can be changed - meaning you can make magenta print lighter or darker, cyan print darker or lighter etc. by changing the print color intensity settings within the printer's print management options. I have attached a screenshot of how these settings look on a particular printer, but every printer has slightly different options, usually however you can change not only the level of darkness for a particular color (like magenta for example), but also you can change the overall intensity of your prints as well as the contrast.

I hope this helps, you may need to do some tweaking to get the colors to print out closer to your intended results.

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