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in Toner by (4.7k points)
Aside from the universal color toner cartridges, we also offer universal HP and Canon Monochrome toner cartridges:
1.  Our HP CE505A/X toner cartridges used for the HP 2035/2055 printers respectively (191-040-09 and 191-041-09 ) will also work for the Canon 119 used in Canon imageCLASS MF5850 (no sku yet - but we can sell as special item).
2.  Similarly, our HP CE285 used for HP P1102 printers ( 192-076-09) will also work with Canon LBP-6000 Printers which takes the Canon 125 toner cartridge (no sku yet but we can sell as special item).
3.  Lastly, our HP CE278 used for HP P1566 and HP P1606 printers (192-090-09) will also work or can be used for Canon imageCLASS MF4570 Printers ( also same sku 192-090-09 as  already cross-referenced in our web site)

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