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in Inkjet by (4.7k points)
If you encounter a blinking light or an error stating that a cartridge is missing or damaged, please attempt the following procedures as possible solutions to correct the problem.
Begin by removing the cartridge that is causing the error from its cradle.
Once the cartridge is removed, confirm that there is a chip intact and in the correct location.
If the chip is missing, you should return the cartridge to its place of purchase.
If the chip is in place, you may need to clean it from any type of obstruction or debris as this may be the cause of the error. To clean the chip you may use a pencil eraser.  Gently brush the chip with the eraser to remove any potential obstruction or debris.
Or, you may use any type of lint free cloth such as a coffee filter.  Gently wipe the chip with the cloth, again removing any type of obstruction or debris.
Once this is complete, replace the cartridge in the cradle and close the lid. You should now see a blinking green light on the top of your printer.
If the problem persists after returning the cartridge to its cradle, you will want to reset your printer.  This can be done by turning off your computer and your printer with the cartridges installed.  Unplug your printer and leave your machines off for 2 minutes.  Restart the printer and your computer, and attempt your print again.
If you have attempted both of these procedures and you encounter the same error, there is most likely an electrical problem with the cartridge, and you should return the cartridge to the place of purchase.

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